Friday, July 25, 2008

Second Coming?

Talking with a friend who happens to be a Jehovah’s Witness, I asked her about the presidential race. She made a fascinating response.
“Of course I support Senator Obama,” she said. “He has got to be the best candidate for the Anti-Christ we have ever seen. So a lot of us feel that the Rapture will occur in January when he is sworn into office.”

She went on to explain, “Corporate America supports Obama because they feel he plans to expand government spending, corporate raiders expect the new taxes and deficits to drive thousands of businesses into bankruptcy providing opportunities for bargains, contributions to his campaign from outside the United States nearly equal those from inside America, he’s abandoned his pastors, priests, spiritual advisors, and grandmother, he hold opposing opinions on the major issues of the day without explanation or apology, sees himself as the assumptive world leader, pays no attention to such things as Iran’s refusal to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons, refuses to visit hospitalized veterans in Germany unless he can use the occasion to boost his media image, and millions of people believe he will bring them hope.”


I let her go on her way. I saw no benefit in debating the idea, but it does cause me to pause. History is rife with fervent believers who “prophesied” the end of the world and then took steps to help it along. From nerve gas in the Japanese subways to Jim Jones in Ghana, from Davis Koresh in Waco to 9/11; there have been people and groups eager to help God end it all. The list is endless.

Is Obama the “Barak Hussain Obama Bin Lauden” the believers are waiting for? Does it matter? People are people and most will say, “No way.” Personally, I am not sure why two thousand years of misinformation, misinterpretation, and guesswork would motivate anybody to take action. But I know there are some who, like my friend, buy into such dramatics. They are the ones who scare me.

Oh Please, Give Me a Break

Congress recently voted billions of dollars to provide relief for Africa in their fight against AIDS. The question I have to ask myself is, “Why would a Congress that has ignored the housing crisis would, ignored the 50 million Americans who are without healthcare, and ignored the economic devastation of the current energy crisis find it necessary to fund Africa’s AIDS crisis? Let’s follow the money.

Where do the drugs to treat AIDS come from? American pharmaceutical companies provide them. Who, as a consequence, makes huge campaign contributions to Congressmen and Senators? American pharmaceutical companies do. Pelosi’s Congress is no less corrupt than the previous crooks that raped the American economy over the last eight years.

Let’s talk oil. Just the threat of domestic drilling has driven down the price of oil on the world market. Congress refuses to even discuss the possibility of leasing our lands with the biggest proven reserves to drilling companies. Why? The artificially inflated price of oil fills their personal bank accounts. Is it patriotic to refuse to reduce the American military’s dependence on foreign oil? I think not. At a stroke, foreign interests could shut down America’s military. While hybrid and electric cars are an option for the rest of us, no amount of batteries will get a fighter plane or missile off the ground; the technology does not exist.

The failed experiment of using food like corn for fuel has proven ineffectual as far as energy dependence is concerned. Indeed the policy has only served to inflate the price of food for the American people struggling to survive. Alternatives do exist, but Archer Daniels Midland would not be able to sustain their substantial kickbacks to Congress.

I hope the in November, Americans realize that being robbed, raped, and gelded is not in our best interests. We need leaders who will return the American Dream to the American people. Such candidates are easy to find. Just look to your local elections for candidates who are left unfunded by the major parties. There is no easier way to choose who to support than to find those men and women who are ignored by the Democratic and Republican political machines. Those candidates are our only path to a sustainable and prosperous future for America.