Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wake Up, America!

Florida Governor Jeb Bush, brother of our Fearless Leader, has endorsed legislation that would grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Hawaii and Kansas already have granted similar privileges and Arizona may follow suit. My simple question is. “Why?”

What does an illegal immigrant, whose very presence on American soil is a felony, need a driver’s license for anyway? So he can get to work? It is a crime to employ illegals in the first place. Laws already exist that expressly state that anyone employing an illegal is committing a crime. Okay, maybe it is not about getting to work (yeah, right).

Maybe it’s just to allow the illegal to take his children to school. Yeah, that makes sense. Thousands of children that don’t speak English entering the public school system to further distract teachers from their important job of imparting the skills that enable American children to enter society as productive citizens and further dilute the already scarce resources of our public education system. That will help make this country strong.

Maybe it is not about employment or education. Perhaps an illegal needs a driver’s license to take his wife to the hospital to wait in the parking lot until her water breaks. Already in Arizona fully one half of hospital resources are squandered on illegals. Emergency rooms are choked with the consequences of the continuing infiltration of undocumented, illegal aliens. American citizens and immigrants here legally are finding their access to adequate healthcare reduced significantly by these atrocities. And, the hospitals themselves are losing enough money on these non-payers that they are in danger of bankruptcy.

Do not misconstrue what I have said here. The illegals are not at fault. We pay them to come here. We give them free healthcare. We put up signs that say, “Free Ride, Come on In!” The people we elect to make and enforce the laws already on the books refuse to do so and we wonder why we have this problem.

Wake up, America! Bad decisions do not fix the consequences of other bad decisions. Allowing the idiots to remain in charge of the asylum is not working.

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